White roses

Always online
Your florist will create a hand-tied bouquet with love and creativity. The bouquet shown is intended to give an impression. The number of roses depends on the market price. If you would like to order a specific number, please contact the florist or indicate your wishes under 'special requests'.

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So many humans, so many wishes. I would love to help you with your choice, do you want me to make a suggestion based on your preferences?

Mario's Blumenparadies

Arnstädter Str. 7a, 99331 Geratal, Ortsteil Geraberg




Monday: 9 - 17 Hour
Tuesday: 9 - 17 Hour
Wednesday: 9 - 17 Hour
Thursday: 9 - 17 Hour
Friday: 9 - 17 Hour
Saturday: 8 - 12:30 Hour
Sunday: Closed
Marios Blumenparadies

Erfurter Straße 30, 98693 Ilmenau


03677 841443


Monday: 9 - 17 Hour
Tuesday: 9 - 17 Hour
Wednesday: 9 - 17 Hour
Thursday: 9 - 17 Hour
Friday: 9 - 17 Hour
Saturday: 9 - 13 Hour
Sunday: Closed
Marios Blumenparadies

Oehrenstöcker Landstraße 76, 98693 Ilmenau


03677 6897866


Monday: 9 - 18 Hour
Tuesday: 9 - 18 Hour
Wednesday: 9 - 18 Hour
Thursday: 9 - 18 Hour
Friday: 9 - 18 Hour
Saturday: 9 - 13 Hour
Sunday: Closed
Mario's Blumenparadies


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